Amy has been a student of shamanic practices since 2003, continuing to cultivate her ability to hold the tension between the light and shadow, the visible and the invisible. Amy is a powerful teacher...honest, direct, intuitive and creative in her practice. She is a truly authentic being and you can instantly feel the power of her heart. A master communicator, Amy will help you to come alive inside of your story by weaving together the many aspects of your self and your path of awakening from an empowering context. She believes that the most important thing is your relationship to your experience of life and our connectedness to the great living spirit and web of life.
Since moving to New Mexico, Amy has studied Eco-psychology at Southwestern College. She has been initiated as a Pipe Carrier in the Lakota Tradition and works regularly with the teachings of the Medicine Wheel.
Amy first fasted in Canyon de Chelly in AZ in 2011 and has subsequently participated in seven fasts since as either a participant or a guide. Locations have included the Pecos Wilderness in NM, Death Valley, CA , the Ojito Wilderness, NM and the Rio Chama Canyon Wilderness.
Meet your Guide! Amy Finlayson